Thursday, May 5, 2011

One week old today!

Wow! Time has gone by so quickly! My sweet baby is a week old and we have been home from the hospital for 4 days! It seems like just yesterday that I was all stressed out that I only had 3 weeks left to get ready for her to come! Haha oh how quickly life can change! The first day home was great. I had my mom here helping me and it was so nice to be in my own space. That night was awful! My milk came in full force and Alice was so fussy! I sat on the couch with her most of the night just sobbing as I tried to push past the pain and feed her. By morning I was finally starting to feel better. Cheryl came over that morning to help out and so I was able to take a long shower and make myself feel human again. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon just sitting and talking. It was exactly what I needed!
Tuesday night she slept WAY better and so on Wednesday morning Ben decided that he was going to go into work a little later than normal. Alice was still sleeping but we were both wide awake. We laid in bed and talked about the all of the miracles we had experienced this week and how blessed we have been. I fell in love with him all over again! He is such a wonderful man and I feel so blessed to be able to have him for eternity! He is my happily ever after!!!!!!!!!
After Ben left for work, I was able to sit in the rocking chair and snuggle with my little peanut and watch the beautiful day outside.... It was such a peaceful moment. I will never forget that hour that I spent with my perfect baby.. I felt so much love from Heavenly Father for this tiny person wrapped in my arms. I knew that He had trusted me with this baby and that He would help me along the way to raise her the way He wanted me to. My heart was over flowing with joy! I am not sure life could have been any better than at that moment.
So as you can tell my morning was jam packed with emotional and spiritual power... So I didn't have much energy for much else... Starla and Lindsay came over to visit and it was nice to sit and visit with them.
Last night wasn't nearly as good as the night before but really not that bad... I took Alice all by my self to do a little mothers day shopping this morning and she was so good! She really is such a good baby! Now we are just hanging out waiting for Ben to come home. Maybe we will watch a Disney movie or two... :)


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