Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's been a while....

Well life is a little busier now and so I have slacked in my blog updating so here goes....

Alice is 5 weeks old already!!!! I can't believe how fast time has gone by! At her two week appointment she weighed 7.7 pounds and she was 20 and 3/4 inches long!!! She has grown so much! Some of her newborn out fits don't fit anymore and it totally breaks my heart! I knew this would happen but I didn't realize just how fast it really would go... And it seems like it gets faster everyday!
Alice has been pretty fussy the last week and I think it is just that she is growing and so she doesn't want to go to sleep. She can be totally exhausted and still not go to sleep for an hour... In fact that is why I have the chance to be on here right now... She is so tired that all she wants is to be held and suck on a binky but she won't go to sleep. This resistance to sleep makes life pretty tuff and super tiring! But when she is happy and awake, she is so much fun!!! She has started smiling more and I can't get enough it!
The first time it happened was Monday morning. She had just barely woken up and was hungry so I gave her a bottle and when she finished she looked up at me and smiled at me! It was the most amazing thing! It brought tears to my eyes! What an amazing gift!
So in a nut shell, when life is tuff it's pretty tuff but when it's good, its amazing!!! :)

I am having a hard time deciding what I am going to do about work... We are just barely squeaking by with me not working right now... So it would be really nice to have that money so we wouldn't have to stress about it so much. But at the same time, I'm having a really hard time leaving Alice with someone else.. The other problem is that I have been promised work for pps for so long and they keep saying next week we will have enough work to keep you busy enough but then it doesn't happen and it's put off for another week... So I'm not sure if I should go back to cougar auto or just wait it out for pps... I'm just afraid that pps won't happen and then I'll be in stuck.... So pray for me.. I have to figure this out very soon! Like the end of this week.... *sigh* if only I could just not go back to work.... But such is life.

Other than that life is pretty good! My parents and Angie and Aaron are headed to California for the week tomorrow. They are going to Disneyland and I am super jealous! But I'm excited for them as well! They needed a vacation!
Anywho.... Alice is finally asleep now so I'm headed to bed. Goodnight world! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! :)

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