Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fresh Start

Okay people. I have had a blog for a very long time that I have only used like twice... I am now making a goal to use this new blog as a fresh start. I will attempt to update this once a week. I am hoping that it will be an easy way to keep a jornal of sorts.... So here is week one....

Today I am completely exsausted! I have not been sleeping well and it makes it pretty difficult to get anything done. But alass... I was able to get a batch of laundry done yesterday! Ben and I will be going to our first birthing class tonight (seeing as how im due in 4 weeks.... crazy!!!) and I am excited and kind of nervous! haha I am hoping that the details will calm my nerves about labor rather than scare me more... I am also hoping that it wont freak Ben out! Haha He seems to be getting more and more nervous about it all as we get closer.
Also, this week is a big week for my mom! She is graduating from BYU with her Bachelors Degree on Thursday!!! I am SO proud of her! She has worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get here! She has been bouncing off the walls the last little while with the excitement of being done! haha I cant wait to give her the gift my siblings and I got  her! She is going to be so excited! My mom is seriously my hero for graduating! What an amazing woman she is!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Let it be known that I am the Official FIRST follower!!!
