Saturday, April 30, 2011

Welcome little one!

What an adventure! Thursday was a very long and eventful day... Alice Ruth came into the world at 4:06pm at 7 pounds even and 19 inches long. She was having a hard time coming down normal way so they had to take her c section. When the doctor told me we would have to do it that way I was terrified! I have never has surgery before and the thought of being cut open really scared me! My dad and ben gave me a sweat blessing and told me everything would go fine. Ben put on his fancy scrubs and we were off to the O R .... The doctors got me onto the table and were underway really fast. And before I knew it she was here! Ben went with the baby while I was being stitched back up... When he came back he put her right up to my head and it was one of the most amazing feelings! She was MINE and she was BEAUTIFUL! Ben took her down to the nursery to bathe her and they took me to my room. Ps . I just want to say how much I loved my nurse and doctors!!!! They seriously made me feel so great! I couldn't have done it without them! I said thank you to each of them at least a dozen times but it still doesn't feel like enough!
All of ben's and i's family had come right before they took me back so they were all able to watch as ben helped with her first bath. ( well mostly everyone... Aaron was stuck at work, James was driving to Seattle, heather was in cedar city and Michael was sick) they all took a ton of pictures and brought them back to me. After they got me into my new room they brought Alice in so I could hold her.... WOW!!!! What an amazing feeling! She is so precious! That night we had a few visitors. Starla and Tyson came first and then Jason and Bailey and Aaron Tobler. It was nice of them to come down and they all said she was beautiful! After they all left ben and I were so tired! Ben stayed with me and slept on a chair bed thing that looked so uncomfortable! But I was so glad that he was there! Thursday was a crazy day but one of the best days of my life and one that I will never forget!

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