Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's been a while....

Well life is a little busier now and so I have slacked in my blog updating so here goes....

Alice is 5 weeks old already!!!! I can't believe how fast time has gone by! At her two week appointment she weighed 7.7 pounds and she was 20 and 3/4 inches long!!! She has grown so much! Some of her newborn out fits don't fit anymore and it totally breaks my heart! I knew this would happen but I didn't realize just how fast it really would go... And it seems like it gets faster everyday!
Alice has been pretty fussy the last week and I think it is just that she is growing and so she doesn't want to go to sleep. She can be totally exhausted and still not go to sleep for an hour... In fact that is why I have the chance to be on here right now... She is so tired that all she wants is to be held and suck on a binky but she won't go to sleep. This resistance to sleep makes life pretty tuff and super tiring! But when she is happy and awake, she is so much fun!!! She has started smiling more and I can't get enough it!
The first time it happened was Monday morning. She had just barely woken up and was hungry so I gave her a bottle and when she finished she looked up at me and smiled at me! It was the most amazing thing! It brought tears to my eyes! What an amazing gift!
So in a nut shell, when life is tuff it's pretty tuff but when it's good, its amazing!!! :)

I am having a hard time deciding what I am going to do about work... We are just barely squeaking by with me not working right now... So it would be really nice to have that money so we wouldn't have to stress about it so much. But at the same time, I'm having a really hard time leaving Alice with someone else.. The other problem is that I have been promised work for pps for so long and they keep saying next week we will have enough work to keep you busy enough but then it doesn't happen and it's put off for another week... So I'm not sure if I should go back to cougar auto or just wait it out for pps... I'm just afraid that pps won't happen and then I'll be in stuck.... So pray for me.. I have to figure this out very soon! Like the end of this week.... *sigh* if only I could just not go back to work.... But such is life.

Other than that life is pretty good! My parents and Angie and Aaron are headed to California for the week tomorrow. They are going to Disneyland and I am super jealous! But I'm excited for them as well! They needed a vacation!
Anywho.... Alice is finally asleep now so I'm headed to bed. Goodnight world! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

One week old today!

Wow! Time has gone by so quickly! My sweet baby is a week old and we have been home from the hospital for 4 days! It seems like just yesterday that I was all stressed out that I only had 3 weeks left to get ready for her to come! Haha oh how quickly life can change! The first day home was great. I had my mom here helping me and it was so nice to be in my own space. That night was awful! My milk came in full force and Alice was so fussy! I sat on the couch with her most of the night just sobbing as I tried to push past the pain and feed her. By morning I was finally starting to feel better. Cheryl came over that morning to help out and so I was able to take a long shower and make myself feel human again. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon just sitting and talking. It was exactly what I needed!
Tuesday night she slept WAY better and so on Wednesday morning Ben decided that he was going to go into work a little later than normal. Alice was still sleeping but we were both wide awake. We laid in bed and talked about the all of the miracles we had experienced this week and how blessed we have been. I fell in love with him all over again! He is such a wonderful man and I feel so blessed to be able to have him for eternity! He is my happily ever after!!!!!!!!!
After Ben left for work, I was able to sit in the rocking chair and snuggle with my little peanut and watch the beautiful day outside.... It was such a peaceful moment. I will never forget that hour that I spent with my perfect baby.. I felt so much love from Heavenly Father for this tiny person wrapped in my arms. I knew that He had trusted me with this baby and that He would help me along the way to raise her the way He wanted me to. My heart was over flowing with joy! I am not sure life could have been any better than at that moment.
So as you can tell my morning was jam packed with emotional and spiritual power... So I didn't have much energy for much else... Starla and Lindsay came over to visit and it was nice to sit and visit with them.
Last night wasn't nearly as good as the night before but really not that bad... I took Alice all by my self to do a little mothers day shopping this morning and she was so good! She really is such a good baby! Now we are just hanging out waiting for Ben to come home. Maybe we will watch a Disney movie or two... :)


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Isn't she just BEAUTIFUL!?!

The rest of the hospital stay

Friday was kind of a ruff day... Alice was pretty fussy and I felt like she couldn't get enough milk from me. We had the nurse who specializes in breast feeding come and give me some pointers and they were very helpful. But we had supplemented with a bottle through the night so the nurses could take care of her so we could sleep... The nurse didn't mean to but she made me feel like that was a bad thing and that I shouldn't ever do it again... That really stressed me out cause I didn't want my baby to go hungry and I knew I couldn't give her enough.... So I was pretty upset most of the day until my wonderful nurse who works the night shift came in and talked with me... She said that I am the mom and only I know what is best for my baby! She said that of coarse we want her to breastfeed but if I feel like she needs a little more then that is perfectly okay! She also helped me with some techniques and put my mind at ease... On saturday we would try to breastfeed her first and then when I felt like she was my going to get anymore, we would give her just a little bit of the bottle. Wow! What a difference! She slept so much better and was calmer! Just happier all around! We still are great at breast-feeding but it gets better every time we try. As soon as my milk comes in we will be able to not use the bottle and I will feel even better about it all....
Today is Sunday and I'm hoping that we get to go home today.... It's kind of a scary thought to not have so many wonderful nurses so close and willing to help but I defiantly want to go home! I'm ready to sleep in my own bed and wear my own clothes! So hopefully the doctor will come soon and let is go home... Now I just get to wait for ben to come back and hope that it's soon... :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Welcome little one!

What an adventure! Thursday was a very long and eventful day... Alice Ruth came into the world at 4:06pm at 7 pounds even and 19 inches long. She was having a hard time coming down normal way so they had to take her c section. When the doctor told me we would have to do it that way I was terrified! I have never has surgery before and the thought of being cut open really scared me! My dad and ben gave me a sweat blessing and told me everything would go fine. Ben put on his fancy scrubs and we were off to the O R .... The doctors got me onto the table and were underway really fast. And before I knew it she was here! Ben went with the baby while I was being stitched back up... When he came back he put her right up to my head and it was one of the most amazing feelings! She was MINE and she was BEAUTIFUL! Ben took her down to the nursery to bathe her and they took me to my room. Ps . I just want to say how much I loved my nurse and doctors!!!! They seriously made me feel so great! I couldn't have done it without them! I said thank you to each of them at least a dozen times but it still doesn't feel like enough!
All of ben's and i's family had come right before they took me back so they were all able to watch as ben helped with her first bath. ( well mostly everyone... Aaron was stuck at work, James was driving to Seattle, heather was in cedar city and Michael was sick) they all took a ton of pictures and brought them back to me. After they got me into my new room they brought Alice in so I could hold her.... WOW!!!! What an amazing feeling! She is so precious! That night we had a few visitors. Starla and Tyson came first and then Jason and Bailey and Aaron Tobler. It was nice of them to come down and they all said she was beautiful! After they all left ben and I were so tired! Ben stayed with me and slept on a chair bed thing that looked so uncomfortable! But I was so glad that he was there! Thursday was a crazy day but one of the best days of my life and one that I will never forget!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


So today is going to be one of the best days of my life! I'm having my baby today!
This morning around 430 I was awakened by what I thought was bad has or something.... I went to the bathroom but the pain kept coming in waves... So I thought maybe they were Braxton hicks... I started timing them to see how close together they were and about 7 min apart. At 530 when bens alarm went off, I was still having these pains... All of a sudden there was this popping feeling and a big gush of water! My water had broken! So we got dressed and headed to the hospital. The contractions had pretty much stopped at this point but I was still leaking everywhere! Haha they admitted and checked me out. I was dialated to a 2! They hooked up all the equipment. ( I feel like I'm totally tied down! Haha I cant move anything without pulling on some cord!) I got an epideral right away because I wanted to enjoy this experience to the fullest and not have to suffer through it. So I'm really numb! Haha my nurses name is chelsie. She is great! It is super busy today here at the hospital! They only have one room left! So that makes her really busy but I still feel well taken care of! The doctor came in a little while ago and just said hello. He is great too! His name is dr brouburg. He is super friendly and made me feel super comfortable. He said baby sounded healthy and everything looked like it was moving along well.
They put me on petosin right when I came in so that my labor would move along faster. Chelsie just came in and turned it down cause I was having to many contractions to close together. I didn't even notice them! Haha
I am feeling so overwhelmed with excitment, joy, and fear... I cant beleive that I'm already on this stage of life! And that heavenly father would trust me with this precious soul... It's so overwhelming! In so many ways..... :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week two!

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I'm pretty sure that this is a record! I don't think I have ever posted two weeks In a row! Haha
This week was a great week minus behind super sick and super itchy.... Let's start with the good stuff. My birthday was great! Ben surprised me with patio furniture! I love it! Now if only it Would warm up enough to use it! Next was my Moma graduation! It was a great couple of days celebrating all her hard work! She really is one of my heroes!
Then on Saturday, I had an awesome baby shower at the in law's! It was a great time and we got lots of really great stuff!
After the shower I was told that I needed to go meet with Alicia to help her with some last minute choreography... well it turns our that was a lie.... Haha My ballet girls wanted to through me a surprise shower! needless to say, I was very surprised! I am going to miss teaching them so much! They are such a great group of girls! I am very proud of all of them! They have come a very long way since the beginning of the year!
Saturday night I want to bed feeling super exhausted from the crazy but awesome week. But I woke up just after I has fallen asleep feeling super yucky.... I was up most of the rest of the night feeling terrible and wishing I could just throw up so I could feel better.... At 4:30 my wish finally came true so I was able to get a little bit of sleep... But I woke up sunday feeling just as awful. By Sunday afternoon I just wanted to sleep so I took a nap and woke up feeling not perfect but mostly better... Except one thing.... I was super itchy all over! I figured it was just pregnancy swelling and that it would go away later.... Later that night I started feeling super yucky again and I was still very itchy and swollen... After throwing up a second time we decided we better call the doctor to see what he thought we should do. He said that the throwing up could be anything but most likely was just the stomach flue that is going around. But the itching he wanted to have me do some blood work to get it checked out. He said it could be a rash that happens to some women late in pregnancy that is not really harmful but very uncomfortable until the baby is born... He said that a lot of times they will Indus people early if they have this... So yesterday I went and got some blood work done and I am supposed to get the results back today. I am still itchy and it is driving me crazy but at least I am feeling better flue wise!
I think that just about sums up my crazy awesome week... So until next time, have a great week! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fresh Start

Okay people. I have had a blog for a very long time that I have only used like twice... I am now making a goal to use this new blog as a fresh start. I will attempt to update this once a week. I am hoping that it will be an easy way to keep a jornal of sorts.... So here is week one....

Today I am completely exsausted! I have not been sleeping well and it makes it pretty difficult to get anything done. But alass... I was able to get a batch of laundry done yesterday! Ben and I will be going to our first birthing class tonight (seeing as how im due in 4 weeks.... crazy!!!) and I am excited and kind of nervous! haha I am hoping that the details will calm my nerves about labor rather than scare me more... I am also hoping that it wont freak Ben out! Haha He seems to be getting more and more nervous about it all as we get closer.
Also, this week is a big week for my mom! She is graduating from BYU with her Bachelors Degree on Thursday!!! I am SO proud of her! She has worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get here! She has been bouncing off the walls the last little while with the excitement of being done! haha I cant wait to give her the gift my siblings and I got  her! She is going to be so excited! My mom is seriously my hero for graduating! What an amazing woman she is!!!!